Rules for the Undergraduates Student Thesis Award from the Physical Society of Republic of China

Ratified during the meeting of Division of Academy on September 27, 2008.
Ratified during the meeting of Division of Academy on March 21, 2009.

  1. In order to raise the level of domestic graduate students in physics-related fields, and to approve and encourage research, we, the Physical Society of Republic of China, therefore, establish the present rules.
  2. These awards are for graduate or PhD students graduated from domestic universities and colleges within two years before the application deadline. Either the applicant or advisor should be a member of the Physical Society.
  3. Recommendation documents should include:
    1. A paper published within the last year.
    2. A letter of recommendation from the thesis advisor or department chair head.
    3. Personal profile of the person being recommended (including the description of research contribution, publication list, academic background, and copy of identification card).
  4. Recommendations are accepted by our society up until August 31 of each year. No documents will be accepted after this deadline.
  5. The members of the review committee for the Student Thesis Award are selected by the academic committee.
  6. Recommended theses will be reviewed by the review committee selected by the academic committee. The six best theses will be commended in the physics annual meeting, and awarded a medal and NTD10,000. In addition, a certificate of merit will be awarded to other outstanding theses in this meeting.
  7. These rules and any amendments will be implemented after the ratification of the academic committee of the society.

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