Ratified by the board of directors and supervisors on June 9, 2007.
Ratified by the board of directors and supervisors on November 24, 2007.
Ratified by the board of directors and supervisors on December 19, 2009.
Ratified by the board of directors and supervisors on December 17, 2011.
Ratified by the board of directors and supervisors on June 4, 2012.
- The Physical Society of Republic of China formulated the regulations to encourage female undergradate, graduate, and doctoral students in physics-related fields and to promote academic achievements.
- An eligible applicant has performed particularly well academically or has done outstanding research. The restriction is that only female students studying for a bachelor degree over two years or a master’s or a doctoral degree in physics-related fields over one year, or those who have graduated within one year can apply for the scholarship. The applicant or her advisor must be a member of the Society with the membership over one year.
- In principle, the number of selected applicants is not to exceed three per year. At least one bachelor is selected and awarded NTD 10,000. At least one master is selected and awarded NTD 20,000. Doctoral applicant is awarded NTD 50,000.
- We select applicants according to the grade cards and the application information, including her representative publications and the advisor comments from recommendation letters.
- We receive recommendations from schools from June 1 to August 31 each year. No documents will be accepted after deadline. The recommendation documents must include (1) an application form, (2) a grade card (3) the recommendation letters of the advisor and another instructor from physics academia, and (4) one copy of representative publications.
- These regulations were discussed by Division of Academy of the Society and implemented with the ratification of the board of directors. All amendments should follow the same procedure as above.