Annual Meeting
- The Physical Society of Republic of China -
Early Bird Discount is only applied for both registration and payment being completed before Dec. 13 , 2013. Regular registration rate applies for registration between Dec. 14 and Dec.31.
On-site registration is available on the first day of meeting.
people signed up already.
Online Registration is Already Closed.

On-site Registration will be held at NCHU
on Tuesday , Jan. 21, 2014

報名後如需退費請於 2014.01.10 前提出申請,退費金額為註冊費扣除 50 元手續費。
( 晚宴費用不接受退費申請 ),待會議結束後匯入申請退費者郵局帳戶,逾期概不受理。

下載退費申請表填寫,於 2014.01.10 前來信
並將紙本郵寄至「 台北郵政23-30號信箱 中華民國物理學會 」收。

Basic Rates

Early Bird Discount
Regular ParticipantNT$ 1800
Student or AssistantNT$ 0700
PSROC Life MemberNT$ 1000
Retired Life MemberFree
After Dec.13 , 2013
Regular ParticipantNT$ 2000
Student or AssistantNT$ 0800
PSROC Life MemberNT$ 1300
Retired Life MemberFree

Optional Event

NT$ 0200
Special Forum
General ParticipantNT$ 0100
StudentNT$ 0050

Non-Registered AMPS Participant
will be charged NT$ 1000

Forum attendance is limited to
300 general participants,
and 140 students.



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