Reciprocal Societies of PSROC

  1. American Physical Society
    (Click here for the details of the agreement)

  2. Physical Society of the Republic of Lithuania
    (Click here for the details of the agreement)

  3. Slovak Physical Society
    (Click here for the details of the agreement)

  4. Latvian Physical Society
    (Click here for the details of the agreement)

  5. Polish Physical Society
    (Click here for the details of the agreement)

  6. Physics Scientific Section of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists
    (Click here for the details of the agreement)

  7. Physical Society of Japan
    (Click here for the details of the agreement)

  8. Mongolian Physical Society
    (Click here for the details of the agreement)

  9. Korean Physical Society
    (Click here for the details of the agreement)

  10. Indonesian Physical Society
    (Click here for the details of the agreement)

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